Female Narrator
Stories read by a female-identifying narrator.
473. Snowy Memories: a soothing story and meditation for kids
Dragon wakes up to a snowy forest. Everything is so peaceful you can hear the icicles drip. Dragon decides to go for a walk to explore.
Read More909. The Perfect Place: a bedtime story and meditation
Dharma Dragonfly wants to go to the pond. Bobbi Butterfly wants to go to the garden. Who will Letitia Ladybug go with?
Read More906. Bubbles and Splashes: A bedtime story and guided meditation for kids
Dragon heads to the animal sanctuary to play with Hettie Hippo, and makes a new friend in Lashawn Lion.
Read More903. Marker Masterpiece: a calming kids’ story
Two markers learn how their differences make them a great team when they help their child draw a beautiful picture.
Read More901. What Do You Do?: a meditation and relaxing story for children
Kareena spends a day interviewing people on Ahway Island to learn about their unique jobs.
Read More897. Moonlight Magic: a soothing kid’s story when you need a break
James feels a little scared of the shadows on his ceiling, but Julia helps him to feel brave.
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